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Using IBM® App Connect to interact with Amazon EventBridge

By Shahmini Arumugam posted Tue February 14, 2023 10:26 PM


Co-author – Srihari Ananda Kumar 

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus service that simplifies your application architecture by allowing you to create scalable events from your applications that can integrate with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Building a flow in IBM App Connect with Amazon EventBridge

Use App Connect to build flows that integrate with Amazon EventBridge and other applications. The connector is displayed as Amazon EventBridge on the App Connect User Interface (UI). 

To allow App Connect to connect to your Amazon EventBridge account, you need to fill in the connection fields that you see in the App Connect Designer Catalog page or flow editor.

For more information on connection fields and Templates gallery, see How to use App Connect with Amazon EventBridge.

Amazon EventBridge objects

The following are the Microsoft Excel Online objects that can be run in App Connect.



Event buses

An event bus is a pipeline that receives events.


Indicates a change in an environment, such as an AWS environment, a SaaS partner service or application, or your applications or services.

AWS events

Indicates a change in an environment from AWS services.

Custom events

You can create a custom event bus to receive events from your applications.

Scenario 1: Send events from Amazon EventBridge whenever a Salesforce lead is successfully created or whenever a Salesforce lead creation fails

Consider this use case: A lead is created in Salesforce when a new row is appended to the Microsoft Excel Online worksheet. Upon each successful lead creation in Salesforce, Amazon EventBridge sends events to the specified event bus. A Slack notification then confirms that the event has been published. If the Salesforce lead creation fails, Amazon EventBridge sends events to the specified event bus, and a Slack notification gets sent to the intended channel informing that the failed event is published.

The Microsoft Excel Online worksheet has lead-related parameters.

In this example, we have a Microsoft Excel Online worksheet saved with the lead details such as First name, Last name, Country, and lead's Email address columns.

In this flow:

  1. The event-driven flow is triggered whenever a new row is appended to the Microsoft Excel Online worksheet.
  2. Based on the lead information from the Microsoft Excel Online worksheet’s newly appended row, a new lead is created in Salesforce.
    For example, a lead is created with the details such as the lead’s first and last name, country, and email address. 
  3. If the Salesforce lead is successfully created, Amazon EventBridge sends events to the specified custom event bus.

    Users can give an array of multiple events to be published at once to the event bus. All the events will be published on the same event bus.

    For example:

    The Event detail is the actual event JSON content that needs to be published to the EventBridge.
    In this example, the JSON has a condition that checks whether the lead has been successfully created via the Boolean property ‘isleadcreated = true’.

  4. A Slack message gets sent to the intended channel to notify that the event is published for successful lead creation.
  5. Amazon EventBridge sends events to the specified custom event bus if the Salesforce lead creation fails.

    For example:

    Here, the JSON content has a condition that checks whether the lead is created via the Boolean property ‘isleadcreated = false’.

  6. A Slack message gets sent to the intended channel to notify that the event is published for unsuccessful lead creation.


    Try out our templates

    You can view the following use cases in the Templates gallery in your App Connect Designer instance.

    • Amazon EventBridge sends events whenever a Salesforce lead is successfully created or whenever a Salesforce lead creation fails
      Template URL: https://<your-instance-id>/templates/**

    You must enable the Designer AI features in your containerized environment in order to access the App Connect templates. For more information, see The preloaded IBM App Connect templates.

    You can also import these use cases directly into your App Connect Designer. These templates are added to a public GitHub repository at

