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Using IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility in App Connect

By Shahmini Arumugam posted Tue December 15, 2020 07:45 AM


IBM® Sterling Inventory Visibility is a stand-alone cloud service solution that seamlessly integrates with any commerce solution and provides accurate real-time global visibility information. With IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility, you can have a single, centralized, and accurate view of real-time inventory across various selling channels.

It is suitable for retailers that need to add inventory insight to their legacy Order Management System or for those growing retailers who don’t yet have a complete distributed Order Management System.


Using App Connect with IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility

You can now use IBM App Connect to build flows that integrate with IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility. After you complete the IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility onboarding process with the IBM team, you will receive an email that contains a link. Follow the link in the email to retrieve the Client ID, Client secret and Tenant ID that are needed to get connected to IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility in App Connect.


Client ID

The unique client identifier for the IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility tenant

Client secret


The application client secret for a tenant-specific unique

application client ID

Tenant ID

The tenant ID provided by IBM to access your APIs


Scenario: IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility performs a supply check for each product that it retrieves


IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility gives you a synchronized real-time visibility of all your inventory supply and demand. As an example, consider the following scenario where you use App Connect to create an API driven flow that runs on a Request node, where IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility retrieves a list of products and creates a message in a Microsoft® Team channel based on the status of the retrieved item and where it is in the delivery process.

Figure 1: An API flow that performs a supply check for each product that it retrieves
When the API is called, IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility retrieves a list of products. The products are retrieved based on the following parameters:
  • ProductClass
  • ShipNode
  • unitOfMeasure
  • itemid

The retrieved records are validated based on the selected parameters. If the record does not match, it generates a 204-status code.

For each product, IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility performs a supply check based on the following condition:

  1. IF type equals to ONHAND, it displays the ordered stock count.
  2. ELSE IF type equals to INTRANSIT and shipByDate is less than the <current_date>, it displays the delayed shipment stock count.
  3. ELSE, it displays the available stock count.

 Each condition displays the response payload from IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility in a dedicated Microsoft Team channel. The Response node generates a 200-status code message to confirm if the actions were successful.

IBM® App Connect supports a wide range of data formats, application infrastructures and integration styles. For more information, see IBM® App Connect connectors.

