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3 new videos - IBM App Connect Enterprise

By Sanjay Nagchowdhury posted Thu May 30, 2024 05:56 PM


We have recently published three new videos for App Connect Enterprise on the IBM Helps channel. 


  1. Using Basic Auth to send HTTP Requests to a back-end service with IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0.11.
    I show how to use the new HTTP Request policy with the HTTP Request node instead of using a security profile. The HTTP Request policy references an http credential in the vault which can be updated dynamically without needing flow or server restart.

  2. Using the Log Node.
    I show how you can use the Log Node to add entries into Activity Log. I use an existing tutorial for JSON validation which can be followed. We also cover some enhancements that have been made for configuring the Activity Log. During the demo, we use a JSONata expression which uses a map function for the error message and have included a copy of the expression here. {{$map($mappingInput_ExceptionList.Insert, function($v) { $v.Text })}}

  3. Processing an array using JSON Mapping.
    I show how to process a JSON array by using JSON mapping. I show how a message flow can be used to retrieve a set of GitHub issues and then use a JSONata map to process them so that they can be shown neatly in a Slack message.

Below are the 3 JSONata expressions used in the video which can be copied by anyone wishing to try it out:

  • The following issues have a label of bug: {{$mappingInput_GitHub_Request.number}}
  • The following issues have a label of bug: {{$map($mappingInput_GitHub_Request , function($v) { "Issue " & ($v.number) & " : " & ($v.title) })}}
  • The following issues have a label of bug: {{$reduce($mappingInput_GitHub_Request , function($i,$v) { $i & "\nIssue " & ($v.number) & " : " & ($v.title) & " , created on " & ($v.created_at) }, "")}}

