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Spread the word about MQ and send a donation to charity or receive up to $100 in gift cards

By Rachael Schmitt posted Wed May 11, 2022 11:20 AM

IBM relies on users like you to share your experience with IBM MQ. People trust you - Peer review sites are getting more popular, with 45% of people using reviews as a key part of their purchase decision. When people look up reviews, your company's name and opinion will position you as a thought leader in enterprise messaging, and it allows you to showcase your own technical capabilities. 
To thank you for your time, IBM has set up multiple campaigns that give you something back. If you review on Gartner, you'll receive a $25 gift card or donation to the charity of your choice. If you post a review on G2, you will receive an additional $25 gift card. And adding a review to TrustRadius while you're on a roll will help cement your company as an MQ expert! 
Review MQ on Gartner here: 
Review MQ on G2Crowd here: 
Review MQ on TrustRadius here:
If you're using MQ as part of our Cloud Pak for Integration, you can also share your broader integration journey and review the Cloud Pak for additional gift cards at and
IBM is also always looking for client references. If you've done an interesting project with our integration offerings and would like to share with the world, let us know! We love featuring successes in our Client Story program. In doing so, we highlight your great work and position your organization as an industry and IT leader. There are multiple engagement options including case studies, videos, and press. To learn more, please reach out to 
As always, thank you for being part of the MQ and IBM Integration community!
