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Policy-based automation solution to take automated action on mqweb server messages

By Olga Aoshima posted Mon January 17, 2022 10:36 AM

The other day I was working with a customer who wanted to use a policy-based automation solution (for example, IBM System Automation for z/OS) to detect when the mqweb server had started. In their case they only wanted to look at the data in the syslog / operlog.
By default the mqweb server issues the following messages on syslog / operlog:

Using the CWWKF0011I, or any of the other CWW* messages didn't help as they had lots of other Liberty servers running.
Instead they wanted to be able to use the MQWB2019I or MQWB0023I messages which are only output to STDOUT by default.
MQWB2019I and MQWB0023I are issued when MQ Console and REST API applications start up.

Luckily, Liberty provides the ability to select which other messages go to syslog. This is done using the zosLogging element in mqwebuser.xml:


Note that wtoMessage property should contain the MQWB* message(s) you want to automate an action.

Recycle the mqweb server.

On the above example, it is expected that you will see the messages MQWB2019I and MQWB0023I issued on syslog / operlog:

The policy-based automation solution needs to be customized accordingly to take actions on messages MQWB2019I and MQWB0023I.

The description of the configuration properties for logging on z/OS can be read on this page:

