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What is happening with 9.3 on the MQ Appliance?

By Naomi Scott posted Wed April 13, 2022 04:22 AM


For those who missed it, we announced IBM MQ 9.3 this week. We’ve given you a bit more notice than normal, but this should give you time to read up on some of the changes ahead of time, and June will be here before we know it!

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted that on this occasion, the MQ Appliance firmware is not intended to be delivered at the same time as the MQ software. Ordinarily both are delivered on around the same date.

For those who are worried, we haven’t forgotten the MQ Appliance (in fact, it’s mentioned in the Statement of Direction). For this release, there is some extra work that needs to be done to ensure that 9.3 is ready for MQ Appliance users. Rather than rush, we decided to take a little extra time to get it just right. Keep an eye on the notifications (and on this community!) and we’ll be back in sync in no time.

