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TxMQ - Presentation at TechXchange (Session 3090)

By Miles Roty posted Fri August 11, 2023 12:40 PM


TxMQ is pleased to announce that Miles Roty (IBM Champion) and Brian Heady (Lead DevOps Engineer/Integration Architect) will be delivering a "Tech Byte" presentation at IBM TechXchange. Our session is entitled: Highly Available IBM MQ in the Cloud - On a Budget (session 3090)

TxMQ is a long standing IBM Integration & Automation Partner, and we are thrilled to be joining our IBM colleagues and customers again in Las Vegas. Below is the abstract:
In this session, a TxMQ DevOps Engineer will lead a journey to a highly available, performant and scalable IBM MQ implementation in Azure. It starts with Container creation, follows a CI:CD process to apply the definitions, and deployment. We will cover the architectures and requirements to achieve HA, and review implementations that include Docker Compose, Kubernetes, and Helm charts. Event Monitoring and Performance Metrics (Prometheus/Grafana) are also rolled in. This solution is currently in place for a Logistics provider transacting with US Customs & Border Protection Agency (CBP). The design is a win for small and mid-sized shops who rely on IBM MQ for critical business transactions, operate on a tight budget, but can't sacrifice performance and resiliency.

Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn  and here in the TechXchange Community. See you in Vegas! #IBMChampion
#TechXchange Presenter
#TechXchange Session




