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IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack - MQ Resources Operator Collection

By Mayur RAJA posted Fri September 29, 2023 06:11 AM


By combining the power of IBM Z and the strength of the Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform, the IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack delivers a modern, managed as-a-service model to complement customer production workloads (see: IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack for further information). 

The IBM z/OS Cloud Broker (see: Automating z/OS resources provisioning (z/OS Cloud Broker) for further information) is included in the stack to allow:

  • z/OS infrastructure to be integrated with hybrid multi-cloud environments
  • z/OS resources and services to be accessed from the Red Hat OpenShift Conainer Platform
  • z/OS resources to be exposed in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Catalog
  • Developers to interact with z/OS resources without needing deep mainframe expertise
  • Resources to be managed, in a stateful way, on z/OS defined Endpoints using Operator and Sub-operator Collections (see: zModernization - Operator Collections for further information on Operator Collections).

The IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack - MQ Resources Operator Collection is implemented as an operator in IBM z/OS Cloud Broker. It allows the creation and deletion of:

  • Local and Alias Queues
  • Server Connection Channels

on z/OS Endpoints (defined using IBM z/OS Cloud Broker) from the Red Hat OpenShift Console:

The IBM MQ Resources Collection can be used from the Red Hat OpenShift Console to provision and deprovision IBM MQ Local and Alias Queues, and Server Connection Channels.

The collection consists of a set of sample Variable files and Ansible Playbooks that perform the create or delete action for the respective MQ resource.
The playbooks build IBM MQ Script Commands (MQSC) to DEFINE or DELETE resources and issue the commands to an Endpoint that maps to a
z/OS Subsystem on which the target IBM MQ for z/OS Queue Manager is running.

In general, users of the IBM MQ Resources Operator Collection do not need to be too concerned about the playbook files as they are
run when deploying resources.

It is important to note though that the files and playbooks are provided as samples and, like some other MQ samples, they are currently not
officially supported by the MQ Service Team. However, effort will be made to respond to or address any issues encountered in good time. It is worth
trying out this function so that you can see just how easy it is to define IBM MQ for z/OS resources without the need for deep knowledge of z/OS.

See: zos_mq_operator for further information.

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