In this article I will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to install IBM MQ for developers on an Ubuntu Linux server using the IBM MQ Ansible Galaxy collection of playbooks and modules. I will assume you don’t have Ansible installed so if you have it already skip the 'apt' install commands. Following these instructions will install IBM MQ for developers, setup users, create a test queue manager called QM1, start the web console and create some sample MQ objects. As this is just a test server/sandbox environment - for simplicity I will use the 'root' user.
The IBM MQ Ansible Galaxy collection supports other operating systems too, for more details see, IBM MQ Ansible Galaxy Collection
Want to get involved? Head over to the open-source IBM mq-ansible project on GitHub
Install Ansible and the IBM MQ Ansible Galaxy Collection
Full details for an Ansible installation can be found here, installing-ansible-on-ubuntu
STEP Type the following to install Ansible using APT,
$ apt update
$ apt install software-properties-common
$ add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
$ apt install --yes ansible
STEP Type the following to install the IBM MQ collection,
$ ansible-galaxy collection install ibm_messaging.ibmmq
IBM MQ Ansible Setup
STEP Create a file called setup-playbook.yml with the following contents:
- name: prepares MQ server
hosts: localhost
connection: local
become: true
PATH: /opt/mqm/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}
- ibm_messaging.ibmmq
- name: Import downloadmq role
name: ibm_messaging.ibmmq.downloadmq
- name: Import setupusers role
name: ibm_messaging.ibmmq.setupusers
- name: Import installmq role
name: ibm_messaging.ibmmq.installmq
- name: Import setupenvironment role
name: ibm_messaging.ibmmq.setupenvironment
- name: Get MQSC file
become: true
become_user: mqm
name: ibm_messaging.ibmmq.getconfig
mqsc_local: dev-config.mqsc
- name: Set up web console
become: true
become_user: mqm
name: ibm_messaging.ibmmq.setupconsole
- name: Start web console
become: true
become_user: mqm
name: ibm_messaging.ibmmq.startconsole
- name: Create a queue manager
become_user: mqm
tags: ["queue"]
qmname: QM1
state: present
- name: Use our MQSC File
become: true
become_user: mqm
qmname: QM1
state: running
mqsc_file: /var/mqm/dev-config.mqsc
STEP Copy the example MQSC file to the same folder as the playbook, the example comes with the Galaxy collection so yours might be in a different folder if you already had Ansible installed, this article just uses the default which puts them in your home folder.
$ cp .ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ibm_messaging/ibmmq/playbooks/files/dev-config.mqsc ./
Optionally, if you don’t have the supplied example MQSC file or you want to use your own file just do something like,
$ echo "define ql(test)" > dev-config.mqsc
Install IBM MQ and create a Queue Manager
STEP Now you can install IBM MQ on this server/localhost using this command,
$ ansible-playbook setup-playbook.yml -e 'ibmMqLicence=accept'
When the installation has finished you can su to the 'mqm' user and observe your running queue manager e.g.,
$ su - mqm
$ dspmq
That's pretty much it, if you want to install on a remote host, make sure you have SSH access, change these lines in setup-playbook.yml
hosts: localhost
connection: local
hosts: mqservers
Create an ini file with the target server details, e.g.,
mq-server1 ansible_ssh_user=root
Run the playbook with the -i option,
$ ansible-playbook setup-playbook.yml -i ./inventory.ini -e 'ibmMqLicence=accept'
Accessing the IBM MQ Web Console
Firstly I recommend you change the default passwords, edit the mqwebuser.xml file,
$ vi /var/mqm/web/installations/Installation1/servers/mqweb/mqwebuser.xml
Search for 'password' and you'll see the usernames and their password, e.g. 'mqadmin' replace the passwords with your own choice of password.
Now find the URL for the console,
$ dspmqweb
This will give you the URL for the console e.g.,
Use the username/password combination from mqwebuser.xml
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