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New in Aspera on Cloud: February 2021

By KATHERINE CHARGIN posted Mon March 22, 2021 12:34 PM

Released on February 9, 2021

Support for Pagination on Attached Transfer Servers

A new enhancement in IBM Aspera transfer server software allows you to change the browsing experience for your Aspera on Cloud users.

This enhancement is a new pagination capability released in IBM Aspera HSTS v4.0. You can choose whether to enable this pagination setting for each transfer server attached to your Aspera on Cloud org. For details and a procedure, see Creating Node Configuration Policies

The pagination facility, when enabled, returns an internally controlled number of items from the folder being browsed, whether the folder is in cloud storage or on your own tethered node. The paginated response help avoid the time-out issue that is common for large folders in cloud storage.

Note that any paginated return of folder contents does not support retrieval of sorted content. This means that lexicographical sorting of content occurs only within the returned batches.

All Aspera-managed auto-scale clusters (ATS) are upgraded automatically to HSTS v4.0. Customers who tether their own transfer servers to Aspera on Cloud and want to enable this behavior must upgrade to IBM Aspera HSTS v4.0.

Released on February 25, 2021

New Transfer Settings in Automated Workflows

You can already configure multiple transfer settings in your automated workflow transfer action steps. This enhancement adds a new transfer setting and two additional options for an existing setting.

You can now apply a rate policy setting that governs how Aspera transfers behave when other outgoing traffic is present. You can select one of four policy options (Fair, Low, High, Fixed). Note that the actual transfer behavior depends on the interaction between Automation app settings and transfer server settings. The actual transfer behavior conforms to the more restrictive setting.

This enhancement also adds two new transport encryption options (AES-192 and AES-256) to the existing option to apply AES-128. Again, the settings at the transfer server and the Automation app interact. The higher key-length setting takes precedence.

For details and examples, see Workflow Actions and Their Attributes.

