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IBM TechXchange sessions on IBM MQ and CP4I

By Joel Gomez posted Mon August 28, 2023 04:53 PM

I am excited to announce that I will be speaking at the upcoming IBM TechXchange Conference in Las Vegas on September 11-14. I will be sharing insights on IBM Cloud Pak for Integration and IBM MQ, and I am looking forward to engaging with our users and answering their questions.
My sessions will consist of technology breakouts, product tips and tricks, and hands-on labs. Two of my sessions are highlighted below:

Join us at the following sessions: 

Harnessing the Power of Horizontal Scaling with IBM MQ and Your Applications [3277]

About: This hands-on session provides an in-depth look into creating a resilient, always-on IBM MQ solution using Native HA and Uniform Clusters. Experience the benefits of operating IBM MQ in OpenShift - from straightforward deployment and maintenance to managing large-scale MQ deployments through automation and declarative configuration. We will kick off with a simple queue manager configuration, then scale up to a highly available enterprise-class deployment using ArgoCD. Learn how to govern configuration changes using GitHub.

Session Type: Hands-on Lab

Tech Tracks: Automation

Session Topic: Integration

Industry: Cross Industry

Technical Level: Intermediate Level

When: Thursday, Sep 1412:30 PM - 2:00 PM PDT

Where: Boulevard 169, Level 1

Supercharge Your Application Integration: IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Unveiled [3587]

About: Get hands-on experience with Cloud Pak for Integration from an app developer's perspective in this interactive session. Dive into the creation, deployment, and testing of new external APIs using the IBM API Connect Developer Toolkit. Discover how to synchronize Salesforce data bidirectionally with your application using IBM App Connect and implement near-real-time transactional data replication to reporting databases with IBM Event Streams (IBM's Kafka offering). Explore a range of tools and techniques designed to turbocharge your application integration development process.

Session Type: Hands-on Lab

Tech Tracks: Automation

Session Topic: Integration

Industry: Cross Industry

Technical Level: Intermediate Level

When: Wednesday, Sep 138:00 AM - 9:30 AM PDT

Where: Boulevard 155, Level 1


Here is the registration link for the conference in case you would like to join us! TechXchange Conference from Sept 11-Sept 14th in Las Vegas.

