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What's new in MQ for z/OS 9.3.1 - SMF Queue statistics enhancements

By Ed Borrmann posted Fri November 11, 2022 09:42 AM


MQ for z/OS 9.3.0 introduced SMF Queue statistics, which you can learn about in the blog “SMF 115 v9.3.0.0 Blog Post”. In MQ for z/OS 9.3.1 we have expanded on the data available as part of the SMF Queue statistics.

The new data

The new data that has been added to the SMF Queue statistics record contains all the information you can find by issuing a ‘DISPLAY QSTATUS’ command. Many customers use the information found in ‘DISPLAY QSTATUS’ to monitor the performance and usage of their queue and some have even set up screen scraping applications to collect this data. Now this process is easier than ever as the information can be easily collected as part of the SMF Queue statistics.


The fields added to the record are:

  • OPPROCS – Number of handles currently open for output for the queue.
  • IPPROCS - Number of handles currently open for input for the queue.
  • MSGAGE - Age, in seconds, of the oldest message on the queue.
  • QTIME – Interval, in microseconds, between messages being put on the queue and then destructively read. Both a short and long term average.
  • LPUTDATE/LPUTTIME – Date and time the last message was put to the queue.
  • LGETDATE/LGETTIME – Date and time the last message was got from the queue.
  • UNCOM – Whether there are any uncommitted changes for the queue.


All these new data points will provide a snapshot view of the ‘DISPLAY QSTATUS’ information on the SMF interval, meaning the data in the record would be the same as the data if you manually ran the ‘DISPLAY QSTATUS’ command on the SMF interval.

For more information on the SMF115 Queue statistics please visit the IBM Documentation page: Queue data records Version 9.3.1 release


Viewing the data with MP1B

After capturing the new Queue statistics data you can use MP1B formatter to view the data in a human readable format or as a CSV. You can obtain the latest copy of MP1B by visiting MP1B: IBM MQ - Interpreting accounting and statistics data, and other utilities

Below you can see an example of the human readable format with MQ for z/OS 9.3.1 data:



  From 2022/07/19,14:17:58 to 2022/07/19,14:18:08, duration   10 seconds.   



Queue Name..........PRIV.Q1                                             


Pageset ID..........4                                                       

Bufferpool ID.......0                                                       

Current Depth.......14                                                       

Open Output Count...2                                                       

Open Input Count....3                                                       

QTIME Short.........10650372                                                 

QTIME Long..........9422144                                                 

Last Put Time.......2022/07/19,13:17:33.902190                              

Last Get Time.......2022/07/19,11:45:15.225357                              

Uncommitted Changes.Yes                                                    

Oldest Message Age..5588                                                    



Queue Name..........SHRD.Q1                                             


QSG Name............EB07                                                     

CF Structure Name...APPLICATION1                                            

Current Depth.......14                                                      

Open Output Count...1                                                       

Open Input Count....4                                                       

QTIME Short.........308393863                                               

QTIME Long..........235035678                                               

Last Put Time.......2022/07/19,13:18:05.664972                              

Last Get Time.......2022/07/19,13:18:05.896312                              

Uncommitted Changes.No                                                     

Oldest Message Age..3       


