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New in IBM Aspera Streaming: Gateway

By Divya Koppolu posted Thu November 12, 2020 01:18 PM


Leo Remizov - Offering Manager
Guillaume Egles - Tech Lead

IBM Aspera streaming securely and reliably transports data and video of any size or bit-rate with near-zero latency over unmanaged IP networks, regardless of distance and network conditions.

Key features and benefits of IBM Aspera Streaming

  • Supports the transport of data and live video streaming as well as stream-to-file and file-to-stream use cases.
  • Enabled high quality streaming over commodity Internet networks and global distances, regardless of distance and network conditions.
  • Software solution supporting virtually any data types, video formats and infrastructure
  • Near zero startup delay with little overhead
  • Supports open and growing files
  • Can be easily integrated using a gateway or embedded and accessed using Aspera’s APIs
  • Included both a simple web UI and command line configuration options


The new Aspera streaming technology – Gateway, enables full bi-directional communication. The software allows for flexible encapsulation of TCP by FASP across a variety of deployment environments including desktop and mobile applications.

Key Benefits of Gateway

  • Bidirectional, client/server architecture
  • Designed to support a variety of platforms: desktop/server, cloud, web, set-to- box, IOT devices, mobile
  • Provides Aspera FASP as a more generic socket-based protocol
  • Carry any TCP-Based protocols (RTMP, HTTP, etc.) Gateway is a lightweight software component for highspeed bidirectional streaming. Fully utilizes the available bandwidth to transfer data in high speed with near zero latency. By design, it removes the barriers of size, distance and complexity to move data between on-prem, hybrid and cloud infrastructures allowing it to be deployed anywhere. The gateway provides significant improvement in performance and service quality when transferring data between highly remote or disperse locations in unfavorable conditions – high latency, packet loss or both. By fully utilizing the fully available network bandwidth with existing infrastructure, business can increase the additional efficiency and outcome with minimal additional expenses to support bidirectional streaming across global networks.

Check out the video to hear more about the cool streaming technology and use cases.

