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Share files fast with our new streamlined IBM Aspera mobile application!

By Anya Behn posted Thu July 07, 2022 09:05 PM

Hello All!

I have exciting news. 

The IBM Aspera team has released a new mobile app on the iOS and Android app stores!

You can use this one IBM Aspera mobile app to link to your Aspera server accounts to share files fast with FASP.

Enjoy streamlined functionality for fast FASP file transfers to and from your IBM Aspera server by linking to your account in the mobile app.

Our consolidated app matches the look and feel of IBM Aspera on Cloud and Faspex 5.
This app is FASP native on iOS and Android, so you can transfer files to and from your mobile device with the amazing speeds of IBM Aspera.

Main Features:
Simply link your IBM Aspera server account on the app to upload, download, and share files from anywhere.
The capabilities of your mobile app will be similar as in your web browser for IBM Aspera on Cloud and Faspex 5.
You can link to your accounts on IBM Aspera High Speed Transfer Server, Faspex 4 or 5, and/or IBM Aspera on Cloud.

This replaces the following:
IBM Aspera Uploader mobile app
IBM Aspera Drive mobile app
IBM Aspera on Cloud mobile app
IBM Aspera Faspex mobile app

Here is the IBM Aspera mobile Support page page.  We'd love to hear from you.
To sign up for IBM My Notifications, go here:

For Requests for Enhancements, please post here:

IBM Aspera mobile support announcement

Thank you for choosing IBM Aspera.
