OpenTelemetry with IBM Instana and Terraform Webinar

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OpenTelemetry with IBM Instana and Terraform Webinar 

Wed February 07, 2024 12:55 PM

Watch the On-Demand Webinar Today

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We’ve been hard at work integrating the latest and greatest OpenTelemetry features with Instana. In this session, we’ll demonstrate some of our recent improvements for OpenTelemetry metrics.

We’ll use Terraform to deploy the OpenTelemetry Demo application to an EKS Cluster on AWS. Then we’ll show how to configure the demo application to send all of it’s traces, metrics and logs to Instana.

Key speakers

Josh Lee, PM for Infra, MetricStore, OTel, IBM Instana

pdf file
OpenTelemetry with IBM Instana and Terraform Webinar.pdf   4.74 MB   1 version
Uploaded - Wed February 07, 2024