Thanks a lot, Luis. It's clear for me I can't use REST API. StatsD will do just fine.
Almost everything in place:
1) configuration.yaml corrected according to the instruction with StatsD section activated
2) Agent in laptop restarted
3) '
Mini statsd sender' Python script implemented and running in cmd
However I am unsure where to see the displayed metrics and under what 'name' (dc1-temp maybe?)
I've been searching in the SaaS trial gui in 'Live' mode, however have not been able to find the displayed metrics.
Feel closer to a working solution though. Thanks again for your input.
Claudio Nunez-Giordano M.Sc.
Original Message:
Sent: Mon May 30, 2022 10:51 AM
From: Luis Sanchez
Subject: Need help creating a VERY simple setup Python call REST API -> view results in Instana
Hi Claudio,
With the agent installed you should see Infrastructure Metrics coming from your Windows laptop. Keep in mind the Instana agent isn't a passive agent waiting for data. It's an active agent with continuous discovery of components, automatic & dynamic application of sensors and metrics trasmissión to the backend.
Having said so, the agent is running and sending data. You mentioned some custom data to send via REST API, as a said before this operation is not allowed. You could send data through the agent using statsd. Configure the statsd in the agent,, restart the agent and then run a script like the following:
# Mini statsd sender
# LaS (c) 2022
import socket
from random import randrange
from time import sleep
# Send data with label
def send_temp(label,temp):
byte_message = bytes(f"{label}:{temp}|g", "utf-8")
opened_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
opened_socket.sendto(byte_message, ("", 8125))
print("Mini statsd sender. Press Ctrl-C to stop")
# Infinite loop, send data each second
while True:
temp=randrange(15) + 15
print (f"{label}:{temp}|g")
send_temp(label, temp)
The script sends a random value between 15 and 29 to the agent every 10 seconds. The resulting metrics timeline is available in the host dashboards of your laptop, after TCP activity:
Original Message:
Sent: 5/30/2022 5:00:00 AM
From: Claudio Nunez-Giordano M.Sc.
Subject: RE: Need help creating a VERY simple setup Python call REST API -> view results in Instana
Hi Instana users,
Sorry my delay, I've been 15 days out of office.
I seem to be closer have installed the Instana Agent in my laptop. I would like someone to give me an example of Python code to send a string of data to the agent and be able to see it in the SaaS trial GUI which I have access to.
Installed agent in my Windows laptop
I am running on Windows and see in the documentation that 'Python AutoTrace is: supported on Linux 64bit binaries only'
Could someone explain step-by-step how to setup and code a short python script that sends data in Windows 10 OS with StatsD or Trace SDK Webservice to the agent installed in the same Windows laptop so that I can see the result displayed in the SaaS trial interface?
At the moment I just need to send a hardcoded string (maybe with random or date parts) just to get the end-to-end solution up and running.
Later it will send real availability and response time of some services.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Claudio Nunez-Giordano M.Sc.
Original Message:
Sent: Thu May 12, 2022 02:08 PM
From: Claudio Nunez-Giordano M.Sc.
Subject: Need help creating a VERY simple setup Python call REST API -> view results in Instana
Hi Luis, Thanks a lot for your response About your points: 1) Re: You cannot use the REST API to send metrics. Instana only receives metrics from sensors, SDK & OpenTelemetry using the agent. You may send metrics to the agent using statsd (, or create traces with information about latency using the Trace SDK Webservice ( Claudio comment: Great, Luis, thanks. Will have a look at the documentation. Unfortunately from tomorrow until the end of May I will be spending a holiday with the family. Will continue working on the issue from 1st of June.
2) Show the results in Instana GUI. Re: Statsd metrics display in the host dashboard. Trace SDK generates traces, the Service view will show the golden signals (calls, latency, errors). Claudio comment: Sounds good. Not sure if I grasp everything will study the StatsD documentation in detail.
And your questions: 1) Is there an Instana playground online available for this or do I need to install Instana (for example in my laptop) Re: No. Instana on-premise needs a lot of power (64 GB RAM, 16 cores, 1 TB). Use the SaaS trial. Claudio comment: Yes, I received an invitation and have accessed the SaaS trial have been studying the gui as well.
2) Need Python code example. Script will be extremely simple, 20-30 lines tops. Re: Take a look at the docs. Comment: With all your information I am closer to a solution. Thanks a lot!
Good luck,
------------------------------ Luis Sanchez Chile ------------------------------
Claudio Nunez-Giordano
Original Message:
Sent: Thu May 12, 2022 11:35 AM
From: Luis Sanchez
Subject: Need help creating a VERY simple setup Python call REST API -> view results in Instana
Hi Claudio,
About your points:
1) Call Instana REST API from Python script, the REST API call will send custom health check values (availability, response time).
Re: You cannot use the REST API to send metrics. Instana only receives metrics from sensors, SDK & OpenTelemetry using the agent. You may send metrics to the agent using statsd (, or create traces with information about latency using the Trace SDK Webservice (
2) Show the results in Instana GUI.
Re: Statsd metrics display in the host dashboard. Trace SDK generates traces, the Service view will show the golden signals (calls, latency, errors).
And your questions:
1) Is there an Instana playground online available for this or do I need to install Instana (for example in my laptop)
Re: No. Instana on-premise needs a lot of power (64 GB RAM, 16 cores, 1 TB). Use the SaaS trial.
2) Need Python code example. Script will be extremely simple, 20-30 lines tops.
Re: Take a look at the docs.
Good luck,
Luis Sanchez
Original Message:
Sent: Wed May 11, 2022 02:22 AM
From: Claudio Nunez-Giordano
Subject: Need help creating a VERY simple setup Python call REST API -> view results in Instana
I am new to Instana.
Need to create an extremely SIMPLE setup to show to the customer:
1) Call Instana REST API from Python script, the REST API call will send custom health check values (availability, response time).
2) Show the results in Instana GUI.
1) Is there an Instana playground online available for this or do I need to install Instana (for example in my laptop)
2) Need Python code example. Script will be extremely simple, 20-30 lines tops.
Claudio Nunez-Giordano