Automatic Visibility/Observability

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  • 1.  Monitoring Kafka

    Posted Fri July 26, 2024 07:26 AM
    Hi Team,
     I have a query regarding Monitoring Kafka Consumer Lag in Instana. We have already deployed instana host agent in OpenShift cluster by following the doc Installing by using the OpenShift command line. The business use case is that they have kafka running in cluster and they want to see the Consumer Lags in the instana dashboard for that we have gone through the doc called Monitoring Kafka. In this doc we have seen that to observe the consumer Lag in instana dashboard we need to do some configuration in the deployment yaml file. In this yaml file where we need to input the required below params
    1. com.instana.plugin.kafka:
    2.   ...
    3.   topicsRegex: '<OPTIONAL_REGEX_HERE>'
    4.   brokerPropertiesFilePath: '/path/to/'
    5.   collectLagData: '' # true or false. The default value is true
    that is mentioned in the Monitoring Kafka doc. Anyone can please help us in order to achieve the use case. Thanks for your time.

    Anil venkatesh

  • 2.  RE: Monitoring Kafka

    Posted Wed August 07, 2024 08:48 PM
    Hi Anil, 
    You need to update instana-agent configmap as below :
    [ ~]# oc get  cm instana-agent -n instana-agent -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1
      cluster_name: NOIOCP
      configuration-disable-kubernetes-sensor.yaml: |
          enabled: false
      configuration.yaml: |
          #jmxUsername: ''
          #jmxPassword: ''
          #jmxPort: '' # default jmx port is 1099
          topicsRegex: '.*'
          brokerPropertiesFilePath: '/var/lib/kafka/data/'
          collectLagData: '' # true or false. The default value is true
          #sslTrustStore: '/path/to/truststore.jks'
          #sslTrustStorePassword: 'kafkaTsPassword'
          #sslKeyStore: '/path/to/sslKeyStoreFile.jks'
          #sslKeyStorePassword: 'kafkaKsPassword'
        # Manual a-priori configuration. Configuration will be only used when the sensor


    Thanks & Regards


    Gurpreet Kaur