Instana U

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Welcome to IBM Instana Observability
Applications are the lifeblood of a business.  When applications are down or underperforming, the business loses revenue and poor customer interactions.  IT manage the increasingly complex set of hybrid and multi-cloud platforms that support revenue-generating, business-critical applications. Observability is a foundational component to IT’s success, and it transcends from technology stacks—business process to web / mobile to platform, cloud, and infrastructure, including the mainframe. Stay up-to-date on what’s new with IBM Instana Observability, including demo webinars, and feature releases, and expand your knowledge and technical expertise with our community blogs, forums, demos, videos and other learning materials.

As a member of this online user community, you gain:

  • Direct engagement with IBM subject matter experts
  • Tips and tricks from your industry peers
  • News, announcements, and enhancement details

You’ll also get information regarding our regional and virtual user group meetings, upcoming webinars, how-to blogs, and training. We invite you to participate and ask that you contact with any questions.

IBM Instana Observability Resources

Start your journey with Instana U

Instana Foundation: This course is specifically focused on individuals ready to embrace observability and learn what it takes to truly embody the DevOps mantra. If you build it, you run it.

Watch the video and please register here for the course.

Latest Discussions

  • Speaker sessions are updated and LIVE! See our line-up of IT Automation speakers and register for the event! Read the blog here. ------------------------------ Wendy Batten Community Manager IBM ----------------------------- ...

  • Many customers have been participating in our Intelligent Incident Remediation private previews (if you're not, please reach out!), and now the first part of this new wave of genAI features is generally available to all Instana users. With our newest ...

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  • Also, I just learned today that this new capability could help you ------------------------------ Tom Tammann ------------------------------

Latest Blogs

  • Although in the DORA regulation there is a big focus on cyber resiliency of course general resiliency is also an important aspect. In our view IT Automation will play an ever bigger role in keeping systems resilient. More and more also Artificial Intelligence ...

  • Configuring Instana for monitoring SAP systems @Padmini Krishnamurthy @Sunjit Tara The SAP system has multiple functions to manage complex business processes and gain real-time insights. The SAP system maintains a complex architecture ...

  • Authors: Rajesh K. Jeyapaul, Neha Ghongade Instana, an observability tool, is enhanced to support various technology components and architecture stacks. Tracing is a key capability to trace every request across services to facilitate application ...

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