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Originally posted by: Kimmel IBM zHyperLink is the result of an IBM research project which has been created to provide links between a mainframe host and storage, which have an extremely low latency. It's a completely new and different paradigm of doing I/O. Especially with flash...
On December 8, 2017, IBM made the DS8886 zHyperLink support generally available. Today’s blog entry introduces a video demo of the zHyperLink technology. Story Board TL;DR , Clients can transparently cut their application response times in half. Pass this video along to your clients so...
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Here is a new article describing the benefits of the DS8000 zHyperLink technology for IBM Z and the z14. DS8000 zHyperLinks for IBM Z and the z14 #Cloudstorage #Data-centricdesign #DS8000 #EnterpriseStorage #Flashstorage #ibmaot #IBMaotMainframeDS8000IBMz #IBMz ...