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Next year, SPSS is going to celebrate its Golden Anniversary. For 50 years, SPSS has been the leading statistical software package. Decades before the "data science" term was coined, SPSS provided the world with a user friendly, reliable, and trustworthy means to yield actionable insights from...
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If you are a paid Subscriber of SPSS Statistics, we encourage you to try the Preview of the future of SPSS today! Remember, this initial preview starts with basic functionality that lets you load SPSS data or import CSV files, change variable metadata, run popular analytic procedures, and work...
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As a new user, sometimes you may find user interfaces daunting and intimidating. Luckily, IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel provides a user interface that's easy to grasp and get oriented in! In IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel, there are only four main areas to the user...
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