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Originally posted by: Anh Tuyen Tran Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a US government standard for encryption, and is widely used by the US government and industries around the world. It protects classified information and sensitive data. IBM XL compilers for C/C++ and Fortran provide...
Originally posted by: Michael Wong “This is it”, whispered all the online blogs, the upcoming talks, and the updated versions of C++11 books. C++14 has arrived! This meeting is historic not just because we completed the practical work on C++14 but because C++ Standard is now...
Originally posted by: Michael Wong In Part 1 of this C++ Standard September, 2013 meeting trip report, I wanted to mostly go over the core, library issues that affects C++14 and are urgent for the new Standard to emerge. What some people forget is that while this drive for C++14 is...
Originally posted by: Michael Wong In part 1 of this trip report, I spoke about the general mood of the April C++ Std meeting in Bristol and the plan to release C++14 Committee Draft (CD) after the meeting. I also deep dived into the language feature set for C++14. Now I will deep...
Originally posted by: Michael Wong Bristol is a terrific place. It is where much of the history of steam and iron occurred to change the world, although at the time people probably did not realize it. Isambard Kingdom Brunel had in the 19 th century, revolutionized the way we travel, by...
Originally posted by: Michael Wong Many people probably don't know this, but I got this authoritative statement from the Father of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup himself just before the Oct 15-19, Portland C++ Standard meeting. We tried to get together for a drink on that Sunday night to...
Originally posted by: Michael Wong No new Standard before 2017. That is the word from the C++ Standard meeting in Feb 2012, the first meeting since the ratification of C++11 after the Indiana meeting in August 2011. It must be the location, because it had over 60 attendees. We...
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Originally posted by: Michael Wong C++ 11 is official and published! It is now possible to purchase the new C++ 11 Standard from the INCITS/ANSI website: http://webstore.ansi.org/ RecordDetail.aspx?sku=ISO% 2FIEC+14882%3A2011 or direct from the ISO website: http://www.iso.org...
Originally posted by: Michael Wong This Standard meeting is earlier then the usual C++ Standard meeting to accommodate the period of time after the approval of the C++0x draft when National Body balloting has to be done to approve the draft and ratify it. The new C++0x Standard has...
Originally posted by: Michael Wong The star is born. Recall that in this C++0x Mardid Standard meeting blog posting , I mentioned that the C++ Standard has been approved at the Madrid Standard meeting to be shipped. What we were waiting for were final integration of Standard text,...