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Bruce Weaver on the SPSS Nabble site pointed out that the Centre for Multilevel Modelling has added some syntax files for multilevel modelling for SPSS. I went through the tutorials (in R and Stata) a few years ago and would highly recommend them. Somehow following the link trail I stumbled...
When interpreting regression model coefficients in which the predictions are non-linear in the original variables, such as when you have polynomial terms or interaction effects, it is much simpler to make plots of the predicted values and interpret those than it is to interpret the coefficients...
Although as I mentioned in this post on circular helio bar charts , polar coordinates are unlikely to be as effective as rectilinear coordinates for most types of comparisons, I really wanted to use a circular histogram in a recent paper of mine . The motivation is I have circular data in form...
I debated on pulling an Andrew Gelman and adding a ps to my prior Junk Charts Challenge post, but it ended up being too verbose, so I just made an entirely new follow-up. To start, the discussion has currently evolved from this series of posts; The original post on remaking a great line...
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I've written a macro to conduct aoristic analysis with SPSS. Here I will briefly describe what it is, provide alternative references and demonstrate some of its utility on example data from Arlington PD. In short, crime event data are frequently recorded as occurring within some indefinate...
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When you have a large N scatterplot matrix, you frequently have dramatic over-plotting that prevents effectively presenting the relationship. Here I will give a few quick examples of simple ways to alter the typical default scatterplot to ease the presentation. I give examples in SPSS, although...
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It seems like I have come across alot of posts recently about visualizing univariate distributions. Besides my own recent blog post about comparing distributions of unequal size in SPSS , here are a few other blog posts I have recently come across; Nathan Yau has a recent post on his...
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The other day I was reading Nathan Yau's Visualize This , and in his chapter on visualizing multi-variate relationships, he brought up star plots (also referred to as radar charts by Wikipedia). Below is an example picture taken from a Michael Friendly conference paper in 1991. ...