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Originally posted by: Michael Wong After almost two years of work, OpenMP 3.1 has been released. Here is the announcement on it and the new specification in pdf online. As I mentioned in the previous note on the public comment draft , and in this trip report and Steven Perron's...
Originally posted by: dorra If you are using the Parallel Environment's (PE) mpi module with an older version of the XL Fortran compiler , you might hit this error message: 1514-220 (S) Module symbol file for module mpi is in a format not recognized by this compiler. Please compile...
Originally posted by: StevenPerron OpenMP is an add-on to the C, C++, and FORTRAN programming languages that is meant to give the programmer an easy and portable way to parallelize their programs. This is done by adding directives (or pragmas), run-time routines, and environment...
Originally posted by: stan kvasov Today’s multi-core processors support many threads of execution and can provide substantial performance when running multithreaded applications. Unfortunately, multithreaded programming is difficult, and as a result, a lot of today’s software is still single...
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Originally posted by: AbC There are varieties of tools that work with the IBM XL compilers. Some help productivity in the development phase (IBM debugger, RDp), some help exploit the architecture characteristics (compiler report) and some help utilize the hardware. The IBM Parallel...
Originally posted by: Michael Wong TANSTAAFL =" There ain't no such thing as a free lunch " with apologies to Robert Heinlein in "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" One noted author quotes this in reference to the end of the free performance improvement that Moore's Law offers on single chip...