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When we think of the physical security protocols for a bank, we think of a robust, strong security infrastructure. Strategies like having armed security officers, a large highly secure vault, hundreds of security cameras and bullet-proof trucks that move the physical assets perimeter to ...
Traceability plays a vital role in identification and resolution of different issues within the application. If implemented correctly, traceability enables teams to quickly identify issues and address them in a timely manner. Furthermore, it is considered an important aspect of any cloud native...
This article provides an overview of the unified authoring capability in IBM App Connect Enterprise as a Service that allows users to create an API flow, configure management in IBM API Connect as a Service, and test the API from a single authoring environment. Introduction A key feature of...
In the last few years, IBM Analytics has built a rich set of capabilities that help thousands of enterprises turn data into decisions. We’ve done this in three important ways: Hybrid Data allowed our data repositories to efficiently collect and store all types of data and provide fast,...