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This weekend has happened to be very entertaining. It was a very intense and useful experience exploring good articles about the Virtual Developer Week . And I also found a great report from O’Really and IBM done by Andy Oram called “ The value of Open Source in the Cloud Era ” . It...
Have you ever felt how wonderful it would be if developer tools listened to you??? We hear you fellow developers! We at IBM API Connect have been laser focused on simplifying the developer experience (DevUX) to help you rapidly create and test APIs. The latest version of API Designer toolkit...
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A simple walkthrough of a Machine Learning exercise, creating, evaluating, and deploying a Machine Learning model without writing a single line of code. #developer #WatsonStudio
Use machine learning to predict U.S. opioid prescribers with Watson Studio and scikit-learn #developer #WatsonStudio
Extract live unstructured data about companies and their impact in the industry #developer #WatsonStudio
Use extractive summarization to help reduce reading time, make the selection process easier, and improve the effectiveness of indexing #developer #WatsonStudio
“IDC has identified $20 trillion of market opportunity, or 25% of global GDP, to be realized over the next five years. CEOs see the path to capturing this opportunity as becoming technology centric to deliver new customer experiences.” – according to Shawn Fitzgerald, Worldwide Digital...
API Connect v2018.1.0 offers a remastered top of the line Analytics tool. New features can be categorized three-fold: 1.) improvements to performance and scalability utilizing micro-service architecture Analytics is now separated from the API Manager and deployable anywhere, 2.) greater...
Are you positioned for success with your API initiative? What roles are required to drive a successful API initiative? How do these roles relate to existing roles in the company? A long time ago (September 2014) I wrote a blog on Organization and Governance of API Initiatives . Looking back...
Registration for our new World of Watson conference is open, and you can’t afford to miss it. This event will be unlike anything we’ve ever done before—combining data, analytics and innovation in a personalized experience designed just for you. We’re using information and insight to change...