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In this episode, quantum experts and IBM Champions @Feite Kraay and @Jack Woehr talk about why quantum computing is 'next' for financial institutions, and how they can get prepared now with host Anne Leslie, IBM Cloud Risk and Controls lead, Europe. You will learn where quantum fits in the...
Benford's Law is one of most intriguing properties within data science. Benford's Law states the first digit in a set of natural numbers is not evenly distributed. Instead, 30.1% of first digits begin with a one, 17.6% begin with a two, 12.5% begin with a three and so on. I created a SPSS...
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In preparing for a future blog post, I discovered a chart visualization that summarizes nicely the difference between Bitcoin in 2017 versus so far in 2018. This chart shows Bitcoin's volume vs the daily close (last transaction of the day) price in USD. Notice the strong positive slope...
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One of my peer offering managers recently tweeted about a nice tutorial of pulling crypto currency statistics. As a fan of Bitcoin, Etherium, and the other cryptos, I decided to pull the dataset into SPSS Statistics 25 to explore the data myself. In doing so, I used some of the new ...
“What are businesses doing with APIs and why are they doing it?” As I meet with clients interested in formulating an API strategy, this is always a topic I discuss. Every business and IT executive wants to understand the API business drivers IBM is seeing around the world in their industry and...
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If you work in human resources or have ever managed a team, then this scenario has probably happened to you. You have just received an email from one of your top-performing team members, notifying you of her resignation. The note contains no insight into why your valued employee is leaving, and...
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Chanes are you’ve heard a lot about the benefits of using predictive analytics to help you gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, but you aren’t yet implementing it. You may assume that it’s too complicated or costly, or that it's too hard to use. Yet according to the latest Ventana...
Every release of IBM SPSS Statistics includes detailed documentation outlining how to use the latest features, but I was recently surprised to learn how many customers didn't know about the tutorials and case studies that are also included in the documentation. Tutorials are step-by-step...
IBM SPSS Statistics is now accepting applications to participate in our Sponsored User Program. Sponsored users can participate in a number of different activities to provide feedback that will shape the future design, direction, and experience of SPSS Statistics. These activities may include...
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Fraud can target organizations in many ways, and the costs of fraudulent transactions to businesses can be substantial. The key is to detect fraud early and stop it. It is impractical to examine a high volume of transactions manually - and that is where a predictive-analytics based fraud...