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IBM Process Miningのデータ・ストリームを使ってSalesforceのデータを取り込んでみる IBM Process Miningのデータ・ストリームの詳細については、下記の記事を参照してください。 IBM Process Miningのデータ・ストリームによるIBM Event Streams(Kafka)との連携 下記の図のように、Pythonのアプリケーションから、SalesforceのREST APIを呼び出し、SOQLを使って、Opportunityに関する情報を取得します。 取得した結果は、IBM...
Throughout my tech journey – from the scrappy hustle of startups to my recent experience at IBM, I've consistently found myself gravitating toward discussions around emerging technologies, their practical applications, and their effectiveness in addressing the distinctive challenges that...
By @Kim Clark When faced with the need to pass information asynchronously between components, there are two main technology choices: messaging and event streaming. While they share many common features, there are fundamental differences that make it crucial to choose correctly...
IBM Process Miningデータ・ストリームについて IBM Process Miningは、通常、1つまたは複数のITアプリケーションから抽出された履歴データとともに使用され、現状のプロセスを分析し、ビジネス目標を達成するためのプロセス改善を決定します。 データ・ストリームとは IBM Process Mining 1.13.2の新機能 データ・ ストリームは、外部プログラムから REST API を使用してイベント ログをプッシュする代わりに使用できます。Kafkaのようなストリームプラットフォームを採用したクライアントにとって、データ・ストリームは...
Are you looking for a flexible way to enhance your knowledge of our solutions portfolio? If so, then we've got the perfect resource for you! Our " Get Inspired with the Integration Webinar Series " page is your ticket to accessing a vast array of informative webinars on-demand and at your...
The Integration team is happy to provide a new and enhanced On-Demand experience for all your favorite Integration webinars. We know that your workday is already filled with tasks and other arrangements to attend to, which could limit your free time to attend webinars and events. That is why we...
IBM Event Streams helps in deploying Production ready Apache Kafka on to Redhat Open Shift Cluster in minutes. IBM Event Streams deployment is production ready, Highly available and Secure. Each instance created is a Kafka Cluster. Event Streams is an operator-based release . ...
INTRODUCTION As you begin to validate the performance capabilities of your Kafka cluster, it’s a good idea to have a firm understanding of your scaling, throughput, and performance requirement. The workload generator application allows you to generate like workloads that represents your...
Published on January 30, 2020 In this video I demonstrate some new capability in IBM App Connect Enterprise v11.0.0.7 that has been added for integration with IBM Event Streams using the Kafka nodes. I will be demonstrating the new KafkaRead node and using a Kafka policy. ...