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There have been multiple exciting features in 5.3.1 and These releases are based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.4 and Spectrum Scale 5.0.1 ESS comes in a range of models tailored to address customers’ storage requirements. This includes newly introduced hybrid models that...
Several new features are added in the IBM Spectrum Scale management GUI in the 5.0.1 release. The major capabilities that are introduced in this release are explained in the following sections of this blog. Managing services Added Services page in the GUI that provides options to...
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance centers around Personal Data and its Protection (article 4, section 1) in the context of any organization that conducts business with personal data of data subjects, in or from the 28 EU member states. GDPR requirements span compliance,...
The IBM Spectrum Scale™ 5.0.0 release introduces several new features in its GUI to improve the usability and consumability of the product. The major capabilities that are introduced in this release are explained in the following sections of this blog. Monitoring networks A new ...
The ever expanding and accelerating generation of Big data has made mandatory the usage of more efficient and robust storage filesystems. The data migration across multiple storage mediums is proving to be expensive. There is an inevitable and urgent need to perform inplace data analytics and to...
When it comes to video surveillance workload , you ought to get the backend storage right. The storage should be performance savvy, scalable, should support to run analytics and also should support tiering to ensure when data ages it moves to economical viable tiers. Spectrum Scale as well as...