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Supply chain visibility has been the missing link since the shockwaves of 2020 rippled throughout the world and consumers felt the impacts of broad-based supply chain issues. But what does supply chain visibility mean? It’s generally defined as the trackability of parts, components or...
Hey there, sustainability superheroes! Are you ready to take your involvement in the IBM community to the next level? Well, get ready because we have some major news to share with you. Brace yourselves for some exciting improvements that are sure to make your sustainability efforts even more...
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Impactful sustainability actions are needed now to curb the worst consequences of climate change. To do the most good, sustainability solutions should have global potential, but they also need to benefit local communities, especially marginalized communities that are most often polluted or left...
Learn how IBM can help automate manual trading partners to increase processing velocity, and lower costs #SupplyChain #GlobalSupplyChainForum
Historically, large business used EDI with their large TP, while everyone else was manually processed, which was based upon having enough low-cost staff to manually administer trade and also accepting the hidden cost of manual processing errors. This is no longer sustainable. Learn how IBM can...
Sterling Partner Automation Webinar v2 12.12.22.pptx
#SupplyChain #GlobalSupplyChainForum
The Importance of a Defined Methodology for Criticality of MRO Spares IBM MRO IO – the importance of a defined methodology for assigning material criticality . Material criticality is the determination of which materials that flow through an industry or economy are most important to the...
Douglas Moran Community Site Leader, IBM Supply Chain Welcome to the IBM Supply Chain community! I'm Douglas Moran, the site leader for this community. I'm excited to work with you to build this community and elevate it to the next level of insight and valuable discussion. We want...
Welcome to the Supply Chain community! You have taken the first step to share your voice and take full advantage of the resources and expertise offered in this community, be sure to take the final step and join a topic group. All of the activity takes place in the topic groups so I want to...
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