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The primary mission of the North Texas IBM Data & AI User Group is to provide a platform for developers, data scientists, data engineers, and enthusiasts to engage in hands-on experiences with IBM's data and AI solutions.
The group is aiming to connect local users and professionals who has an interest in IBM data and AI products within the Canberra region.
Read the blog " Does SAP RISE lift all boats?" by Brett Murphy to know about how IBM Power brings maximum security and flexibility to your data! #IBMChampion #ibmchampions-highlights-home #ibmchampions-highlights #ibmchampions-champions-in-action #IBMPower #Data #DataManagement
Meet the Data & AI Champion Julia Carter who is a Db2 Technical Consultant in Broadcom. It is really exciting that she has been a Champion for last 4 years! This is what she has to say about her favourite product Db2 for z/OS: “Its importance in the world is almost unbelievable, it...
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The mission of ADMUG (Analytics and Data Mobile User Group) is to connect individuals on Maximo Analytics in advancing insight on your Asset Management implementation. With a focus on knowledge sharing including successes and challenges – the group provides an interactive means to strengthen...