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I took a little drive up to Hartford, Connecticut on August 17 to witness the first live-and-in-person New England ECM User Group in three years. Jay Dailey of The Travelers, who leads the group with a steering committee, had lined up some IBM speakers and a customer presentation to fill out an...
More than 100 attendees, that included IBMers, Customers and Partners. 10 minutes Demo and 50 minutes of Q&A. Turbonomic Experts: @Safa Baha @Justus Gries Click here to listen to the recording of the session -> Recording Discussion Points: How Turbo is different from...
More than 160+ attendees, majority coming from the EMEA region, that included our partners, customers and IBMers. 75 minutes of demo and discussions. Big Thanks to all of you ! Turbonomic Experts: @Eva Tuczai @Mohamed Kamel Basha Discussion Points Turbonomic Support for Citrix ...
More than 120+ attendees, majority coming from the EMEA region, that included our partners, customers and IBMers. 75 minutes of demo and discussions. Turbonomic Experts: @Eva Tuczai @Mohamed Kamel Basha Discussion Points Turbonomic Support for Citrix What Turbonomic delivers that...
Let-s talk turbo with Mohamed Basha.mp4
[Republished from Turbonomic.com. Original Authour: Jacob Ben-David] Cloud application optimization is beyond human scale. When we talk with our enterprise customers, we hear a common theme. Their number one challenge is how to optimize cloud-based application performance at the lowest...