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I have a Cloudability report that when I export the data to CSV, the values for usage quantity, adjusted cost, total amortized cost have values that go to 9 or more digits to the right of 0. For example, 0.029456019. When I export the same data via an API call, the values adjusted cost, total...
If you are a customer of Apptio, you may have heard us talk about something called Cost Optimization Index Number, or COIN. But what is COIN, and how can we use it in a way that will be of value to our organization? In FinOps we strive to bring ever increasing levels of context to cloud...
Are you using Cost (Amortized) in your reporting? We use business mappings extensively, but remember that the Reservation cash spend is not actually a consumption transaction. It's a prepayment for the future consumption which then gets repriced by the Azure billing engine to zero in the Cost ...
Hello, @Steve Dalton sorry for the delayed reply! I discussed your query with our Cloudability staff & The best way to get a resolution on "Business Dimensions - Review" is connecting with your CSM (Customer Success Manager). They can appropriately help you! Hope this will help you! #Cloudability
This Capability is now GA! Sign up for the beta by filling out our form here. For the FAQ and further details, see the blog post here. #Cloudability
Hello @Kevin Kurecki, Here is an information available on gathering billing data in Cloudability Link - https://help.apptio.com/en-us/cloudability-msp/admin/gather-billing-data.htm?Highlight=Billing I hope this will help you! #Cloudability
Does anyone know the best way to access billing information for Apptio Cloudability? #Cloudability
We've launched a number of important updates to Cloudability's Commitment features. This includes consolidation of pages, more intuitive navigation and more granular insights. Commitment Portfolio - The "Reservation Portfolio" has been renamed to the "Commitment Portfolio", better...