Welcome to the IBM TechXchange Community, a place to collaborate, share knowledge, & support one another in everyday challenges. Connect with your fellow members through forums, blogs, files, & face-to-face networking.
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IBM TechXchange IT Automation Canada User Group is a friendly community for anyone who is interested in IBM IT Automation solutions in Canada. By joining this group, you will be part of a lively and informative exchange on artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) and products such as:...
This growing community allow for members to post their solutions and ideas as well as receiving valuable information based on opinions of members and their experiences - this User Group exist to portray the Open Community and the facing of IBM and its products. We do not dictate the blogs, but...
Quebec Tivoli User Group – Groupe Francophone des Utilisateurs Maximo (GFUM)
Toronto WebSphere Users Group
A regional group comprised of Maximo Users from the Pacific rim including Alaska, Hawaii, Northern California, Oregon, Southern California, Washington, and British Columbia – Group events are open to users from all geographical locations! This community was established to support/promote/serve...