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When you set out to define a permissions model for IBM UrbanCode Deploy (now IBM DevOps Deploy) it’s often a requirement to document the model for discussions/approvals… While UCD provides tools to build and maintain the permissions model it doesn’t give you a ‘single view’ that...
Logging onto, particularly production machines, is not a DevOps best practice, so how can we get logs to diagnose faults? Particularly with Production systems, it’s a poor DevOps practice to login to machines to make changes. Ideally, everything should happen through your automated systems so...
Changing the mappings of Agents to Relays can be a time-consuming business, until now…. Re-configuring IBM UrbanCode Deploy (now IBM DevOps Deploy) agents to either put them behind a relay or to change the relays they work with used be time-consuming. You either had to write an...
There are times when we need to share a property between components but how best to achieve that? In IBM UrbanCode Deploy (now IBM DevOps Deploy) processes, we normally seek to minimize the scope of visibility of properties so that there is no confusion between similar / same...
In part 1 we looked at the basic options available for importing new component versions into UrbanCode Deploy (now DevOps Deploy). This time we take a deeper look at the options available including some of the newer capabilities introduced in 7.0.1 and later. We also touch on...
UrbanCode Deploy agents are normally pretty self-sufficient.They self-manage their working directories for the most part and you don’t have to do a lot with them. But there are a couple of scenarios where they need some help to make sure they are managed. An IBM UrbanCode Deploy (IBM...
There are several ways to import new component versions into UrbanCode Deploy (now DevOps Deploy) each with its pros and cons. In this article, we’ll explore this important topic and also look at some gotcha’s and ways to avoid them. The most obvious way to import new component...
Do you know all of the scope modifiers we can use to reference UCD properties? IBM UrbanCode Deploy (now IBM DevOps Deploy) has a construct that we can use in many places to substitute the name of a property for its value. So we can use an expression like $(p:propertyName) or the...
In this article, we’re going to explore two of the property types that allow UrbanCode Deploy (now DevOps Deploy) to fetch property values from external data sources. UrbanCode Deploy provides a couple of value types for properties to be able to select from an external data source....
IBM UrbanCode Deploy (now IBM DevOps Deploy) allows you to restrict which REST endpoints an authorization token can use. That’s a nice security feature. However, if you need to set up an Auth Token Restriction for an Integration or some external script or tool, finding out what endpoints are...