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Hi there! Today, we officially announce the major release of 2021 - PowerVC 2.0.2 that comes with many new enhancements and support features. Let's quickly take a look at them. Fixes Although a little less exciting than new support, a fix pack needs to have some fixes too....
Cloud Pak for Data Virtualization gives you the option of replacing an expensive data lake with a simpler alternative that simplifies your heterogeneous multi-cloud data enterprise by making it look, act and feel like a single database, and can perform as well as traditional methods . ...
IBM Cloud Pak™ for Data is a fully-integrated data and AI platform that modernizes how businesses collect, organize and analyze data and infuse AI throughout their organizations. Built on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform, IBM Cloud Pak for Data integrates market-leading IBM Watson® AI...
Originally Posted by Imran Shakir | Jan 21 2014 | In this article you will learn how to build a virtual machine that has a custom integration node setup, using the ibm integration bus cookbook. The power of using infrastructure technologies such as Chef, is threefold: Automation of...
Storage Capacity Unit (SCU) とは、IBM System Storage 製品が提供する各種機能の従量課金単位です。 2020年2月11日現在 IBM Spectrum Virtualize *, IBM Virtual Storage Center (VSC)*, IBM Spectrum Control ** 製品に対して SCU 単位の課金方式が適用 * IBM SAN Volume Controller あるいは IBM FlashSystem 上で外部仮想化機能を利用する場合...
IBM Spectrum Virtualize は多様な機能を提供しますが、以下にその主要な機能を簡単に紹介します(追って、詳細な機能を説明予定): 機能概要(機能名称) 図示 利用用途とその特徴 多様なデータ削減機能 データ削減 ストレージ利用効率の向上 シン・プロビジョニング、圧縮、重複排除、SCSI unmap スナップショット & クローン (FlashCopy) データ保護 筐体内、筐体間でボリュームの複製 ...