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In the fast-paced realm of digital transformation, where data is the lifeblood of innovation, organizations turn to robust solutions to streamline operations, glean insights, and foster seamless connectivity. In this exploration, we delve into a suite of transformative IBM solutions that...
1. Lift & transform VMs by extending them into public cloud services. 2. Without re-architecting the app, containerize stateless components leaving stateful components untouched. #tech-excel
Tech Excel Webinar 2 Cloud Enabled-20201028 0503-1.mp4
Rearchitect apps at your own place or build net-new apps in cloud leveraging microservices, containers and DevOps tooling. #tech-excel
Tech Excel Webinar 3 Cloud Native-20201104 0506-1.mp4
Learn how to lift & shift VMWare VMs via migration tools into public cloud for immediate speed and scale benefits #tech-excel
Tech Excel Webinar 1 - Cloud Hosted-20201021 0502-1.mp4