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Instana-hosted Synthetic PoP is live now! Instana Synthetic Monitoring provides an interactive simulation of end-user engagement that allows developers to test and experience the performance of an application. It uses scripts (Synthetic tests) for user interactions...
Co-Authors : Hai Jun Xu (xuhjbj@cn.ibm.com) - Developer for Instana Synthetic PoP Rong Zhu Shang(shangrz@cn.ibm.com) - Developer for Instana Synthetic PoP Rui Yin (yinrui@cn.ibm.com) - Tech lead for Instana Synthetic What is Synthetic Monitoring? Instana...
Co-Authors: Hai Jun Xu (xuhjbj@cn.ibm.com) - Developer for Instana Synthetic PoP Rong Zhu Shang (shangrz@cn.ibm.com) - Developer for Instana Synthetic PoP Jun Shi Wang (wjunshi@cn.ibm.com) - Developer for Instana Synthetic PoP Li Jing Mu (lijingmu@cn.ibm.com...