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When Ad Hoc Report is created and saved, its resulting design file (.rptdesign) is saved to the database. This enables the report to be accessed in the future for immediate run access or scheduling and emailing. Once the report is saved in the database, it can be extended within the Report...
Users can edit the reports they created by clicking on the edit icon next to the report they want to modify This gives users the ability to add or remove additional fields, change sorting or grouping selections, or make other modifications to the qbr reports they have created. When...
Accessing QBR reports You can access QBR Ad Hoc reports from three places: 1. From the Reports menu in the application toolbar: Click to display the Query Based Report window. 2. From the Select Action menu: click Run Reports . In the Reports window, clic1. k the Create...
As noted in the Overview page, your users can create their own QBR (Query Based Reporting - or Ad Hoc) reports to meet their individual business needs. They can select fields from a variety of database tables, and also define the sorting, grouping and filters for their reports. Additionally,...
Query Based Reports (QBR) are ad hoc reports designed to meet the dynamic data analysis needs of your users. QBR’s enable users to create their own unique reports by selecting columns, specifying sorting and grouping, and the query the report will run against. Once the user saves the report,...