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By: Don Bourne, David Chan, and Prashanth Gunapalasingam The WebSphere Application Server (WAS) observability squad has just released a new sample application which exposes WAS Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) metrics in a format suitable for use with Prometheus. ...
Using Prometheus and Grafana to monitor IBM MQ queue managers Mark E Taylor |Dec 1 2016 Updated I created a Go package to enable the creation of a program that sends MQ statistics to Prometheus and hence to be easily visualised in Grafana. This blog shows how it all fits together. ...
Using Prometheus and Grafana to monitor IBM MQ queue managers.docx
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Overview Starting 10.3 version, webMethods Microservices Runtime provides /metrics end-point that returns statistics in Prometheus format. This article describes how you can use Grafana and Prometheus to monitor webMethods Microservices Runtime. Grafana Dashboard 1710×879 84.4 KB ...