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From Training to Model Serving with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science - Part 2 MNIST handwritten digits, Fashion MNIST and CIFAR10 data sets Introduction In Part 1 , we saw the use of Codeflare/Ray to finetune a huggingface model with imdb for sentiment analysis using the @ray.remote...
Fashion-MNIST clothing classification with PyTorch on Cloud Pak for Data on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE #CloudPakforData #IBMZ #LinuxONE #onnx #PyTorch
This video demonstrates how to use IBM Z Deep Learning Compiler(powered by onnx-mlir) to use popular AI frameworks like PyTorch, TensorFlow and others to leverage IBM z16's on-chip Accelerator for AI #onnx
zDLC Demo 101.mp4
The latest in our Monday Replay series comes from the May 13 SF Python meetup , where Svetlana Levitan (IBM Senior Developer Advocate with the Center for Open-source Data and Artificial Intelligence Technologies, CODAIT) gave a talk on open standards for machine learning model deployment: ...