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Project Debater is the first AI system to successfully engage with a human in a competitive debate. It was demonstrated in In February 2019, when the system debated Mr. Harish Natarajan, one of the world leading professional debaters in an event held in San Francisco and broadcasted live...
Check out this introduction to Elyra , a set of AI-centric extensions to JupyterLab Notebooks. Starts around the 05:33 mark. Enjoy! Looking for more replays? Search the archive for hashtag #mondayreplay . #GlobalAIandDataScience #GlobalDataScience #mondayreplay
In this September 8, 2021 virtual meetup at AICamp, Saishruthi Swaminathan, Advisory Data Scientist at IBM, shared how to build a portfolio on GitHub and use storytelling to advance your career in data science and AI. Leave your comments below. Check out the other event recordings in our ...
In case you missed it, here’s the video of last week’s conversation between Pete Soderling (Data Council) and Nathalie Baracaldo (IBM). Topics covered: Nathalie’s perspective on advancements both in federated learning & adversarial ML How to recognize specific poisoning attacks...
One of the final few events we got to support last year was PyData Boston’s November meetup, featuring two talks: Explainable Workflows Using Python, Austin Eovito (Data Scientist, IBM) How to Create Brainwave-Sensing Headphones using OpenBCI and Python, Angela Vujic (PhD researcher, MIT...
This DC Thurs episode last month featured Gabriela de Queiroz, a Senior Developer Advocate and Senior Engineering & Data Science Manager at IBM. Gabriela leads the CODAIT Machine Learning Team. She is also the founder of R-Ladies, a worldwide organization for promoting diversity in the R...
At PyData Festival Amsterdam this past June, Romeo Kienzler (Chief Data Scientist at the IBM Center for Open Source Data and AI Technologies, CODAIT), gave a hands-on, work-along session over breakfast on machine learning in a privacy-preserving manner. Watch the recording: Many if not...
Pete Soderling (Data Council) and Animesh Singh (IBM) had a great conversation last week around all things Kubeflow. Check it out! #GlobalAIandDataScience #GlobalDataScience #kubeflow #mondayreplay #opensource
Welcome back! Hope everyone had a nice summer or – for those of you based in the southern hemisphere – is enjoying their winter season at least. Our Monday Replay series, where we feature talks from recent meetups we’ve sponsored, continues. Today, we share a short clip from last month‘s SF...
Last month’s SF Python meetup featured a talk by Nitin Borwankar (author of “Learn Data Science” and the founder of Numericc, a startup applying data science to software engineering) about “DIY data science using COVID data sources”: The Covid pandemic has seen many different models based on...