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Here are the steps to enable LDAP authentication in Software AG Runtime (CTP). In ‘<SAG HOME>/profiles/CTP/configuration/jaas.config’ file, add your LDAP settings in the beginning: LdapRealm ( com.softwareag.security.sin.is.ldap.lm.LDAPLoginModule required alias="name3" logLevel=...
Overview This article shows you how to import the existing users present in an LDAP server into the AgileApps platform, without forcing each user to access and login to the AgileApps system. Assign tasks or records to the users which can be picked up and worked upon when they login to the...
An Example for how to configure Role Based Management on MQ Appliance to allow access to LDAP users Maya Anilson |Apr 21 2017 Updated An Example that shows how to configure Role Based Management (RBM) on MQ Appliance to allow access to LDAP users hosted on a Windows Active Directory. ...
An Example for how to configure Role Based Management on MQ Appliance to allow access to LDAP users .docx
In Command Central, one can create internal users or can access users from directory services. This document speaks about creating internal users and accessing users from directory services using CCE 10.3 or higher. CREATING INTERNAL USERS : Login to CCE UI Navigate to Installations --...