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This is the 5th and final webinar in this z/OS Connect webinar series with field technical leads Agnes ten Brink and Andy Armstrong. The “OpenAPI 3 Security and High Availability best practices in Authentication and Authorization” session focuses on the following: Why is Security and High...
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This is the 3rd of 5 webinars in this z/OS Connect webinar series with field technical leads Agnes ten Brink and Andy Armstrong. The “What is an API First (Top Down) approach in API provider with z/OS Connect?” session focuses on using API First (TopDown) to create new, or extend existing...
This is the 2nd of 5 webinars in this z/OS Connect webinar series with field technical leads Agnes ten Brink and Andy Armstrong. The “ Calling OpenAPI 3 APIs from your Mainframe subsystems: How does z/OS Connect support API requester ” session focuses on the API requester capabilities within z...
This is the 1st of 5 webinars in this z/OS Connect webinar series with field technical leads Agnes ten Brink and Andy Armstrong. The “Opening up your z/OS Applications using z/OS Connect with OpenAPI 3” session focuses on the API provider capabilities within z/OS Connect discussing the following...
The definition of “API” (Application Programming Interface) has changed yet again! In January 2018 I wrote “ What is an API? And What is the API Economy? ”, introducing a new definition for API. That definition while still true has become incomplete. But I’ve jumped ahead. So, let’s...
Rashmi Katagall Published on January 21, 2016 / Updated on June 8, 2016 Workload Management (WLM) policies can be used for administration of the message flows to control the message rate of the message flows. WLM policy can be created either by using web user interface or...