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Thinking about API Governance can be exhaustive and overwhelming. We have one of our best SWAT architects - Chris Phillips has written a series of articles on the different aspects of governance and how API Connect can help you in this regard. Check out his 3 part blog series to learn...
To enable a central location for Digital Transformation and API related articles published by other news sites, I am providing a link on the IBM Communities site (this site) to the other sources. Here is the link to the podcast published on the APIScene podcast site - " API Center of...
Are you new to IBM API Connect and looking for easy to consume posts to learn about API Connect? Our API Connect Lead - Sumanto Biswas has started a series of articles to explain API Connect concepts by keeping it simple. Enjoy reading the articles here - API Connect Nuggets Series Don...
Forrester Research has released their 2020 report “The Forrester Wave™: API Management Solutions, Q3 2020: The 15 Providers That Matter Most and How They Stack Up” by Randy Heffner with Christopher Mines, Abigail Livingston, and Kara Hartig. The report lists IBM API Connect as a leader. ...
1. Introduction IBM API Connect (APIC) uses multiple types of certificates. It is critical to understand the different types of certificates and how to use them correctly to enforce security and reduce operational effort. 2. Enhancing Security using Certificates Certificates can be used...
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Introduction One of the key drivers for using IBM API Connect is its ability to provide enterprise grade security for the API providers. IBM API Connect (APIC) provides multiple features which can be used for easily securing APIs. These features can also be used in combination to implement a...
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