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For June, we’re shining the IBM Cloud Champion Spotlight on Jason Juliano, CEO of Aponia Data Solutions. Based in New York City, Jason has been an IBM Champion for three years. Bio: Jason Juliano is a results-driven technologist and leader in inventing “think big” strategies that shape...
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Our IBM Champion Spotlight for May features Karen Kilroy, CEO of Kilroy Blockchain in Austin, TX. She is a life-long technologist who has invented several products including Casey, KilroyBlockchain PaaS, Riley, and Carnak. Karen believes that artificial intelligence doesn't have to be scary,...
Authors: Jorge D. Rodriguez, Michele Chilanti Reviewers: Nate Rykal, Michele Chilanti With the introduction of technologies such as Hyperledger Fabric, companies have been able to usher a new era in application development. The decentralized nature of the technology, the shared ledger...