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This article provides the steps for achieving automated provisioning of an Azure VM, Install and Configure webMethods Integration Server using Azure DevOps, Command Central, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates and YAML templates. The high-level steps are given below Provision Azure VM...
In this article, we use Microsoft’s self-hosted agent on the build server where ABE and webMethods deployer are installed. Then we use ABE ANT targets and deployer to create and deploy IS packages from a git repository to the target Integration Server orchestrated by Azure DevOps. ...
Installation Steps Create two virtual machines in Azure – one for build Server and one is your target server where you wish the UM Server to be installed. Build Server • Install Command Central and Platform Manager installed. Enable the Platform Manager & Command Central Ports...
Installation Steps Create two virtual machines in Azure – one for the build Server and one is your target server where you wish the UM Server to be installed. Build Server Install Command Central and Platform Manager installed. Enable the Platform Manager & Command Central...
This post provides steps to Install Integration Server & create default instance using Command Central REST APIs, Integration Server YAML template orchestrated from Azure DevOps pipelines. Installation Steps Create two virtual machines in Azure – one for the build Server and one is...
This video shows how to run RTAS tests from an Azure DevOps CI pipeline RTAS + Azure DevOps #Azure #azuredevops #continuoustesting #continuousintegration #rationaltest