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My first RSA Conference was certainly an adventure. I needed both hands to count how many times a speaker used ChatGPT to write a section of their presentation! However, I didn't need any AI help to have a packed room for my “Architecting Security for Regulated Workloads in Hybrid Cloud” session...
Watch the replay of our live February 23, 2023 webinar on operational resilience with IBM Distinguished Engineer, Boas Betzler. Below are some key topics discussed during this event. Please let us know what you think or ask any questions you may have in the comments section. To watch the...
How to become a Solution Architect! ABSTRACT Finding a first architect role is tricky. As a developer you probably know more than any architect will ever need to know about your specialist subject. Also you’ll never need to know deep techy details as an architect. With time...
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In part 1 of this series, “ Good Integration Patterns Never Die – You Just Add More ”, I described several challenges and identified a set of integration capabilities that solved these challenges. Toward the end of the article, this question was posed: …we identified the following...
IT history can be told as a story of overcoming challenges. A constraint limits IT capability (e.g. processor speed, memory, storage, network, etc.) and then there is a step forward in IT technology to break through the constraint and move forward. Until we hit the next constraint. Then –...