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A much-valued feature of IBM Z OMEGAMON for JVM, V550 is z/OS Connect EE API monitoring and its ability to identify the backend service provider application; transaction and/or program name. Using an OMEGAMON-supplied interceptor, every API call made to z/OS Connect EE is recorded in a z/OS log...
Alexander Pope, the great 18th Century English poet, wrote, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” and we’ve been quoting him ever since. Lately,it occurred to me as I watched a terrific new demo of the new IBM Acqusition, Instana. As a Customer Support professional for many years, I...
Check how Instana provides immediate, exact understanding with zero effort ! Automated Discovery Dependency map Root Cause Performance Optimisation #watsonAIOps #observability #APM #applicationmonitoring
Application Monitoring Vs Business Monitoring Introduction Monitoring are the set of processes and tools to ensure that applications remains highly available and responds to user requests within an acceptable time limit. Monitoring tools help to achieve these goals by monitoring...