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Fala rapaziada! Vamos explorar o Ansible desde seus fundamentos básicos até conceitos avançados incluindo como escrever um módulo customizado! Abordaremos casos de uso, exemplos práticos e soluções criativas. Agenda: 19h00 - Chegada da galera + bate papo 19h30 - Ansible: do noob ao pro 21h00 -...
Wed May 29, 2024 | 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM BRT Campinas - SP
IT administrators, developers, and QA engineers are continuously seeking opportunities to streamline and automate anything repetitive to save time, increase reliability and minimize human error. In a hybrid multi-cloud landscape, streamlining starts with establishing consistent tools and...
We are thrilled to announce the availability of our latest version for Ansible AIX collection - power aix v1.8.0 The release brings new modules, feature/code enhancements and bug fixes, thus, making your automation experience even better than before ! Following additional content was...
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We are back with a new release (1.7.0) for our AIX collection (power aix) ! This one has some major additions, which will allow our users to do their day-to-day work even more efficiently. Read the whole blog to know about them. New Additions: New Role: NIM Master Migration. ...