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Share your insights, get rewarded We'll send you a $10 Amazon gift card* to say thanks for contributing a detailed, balanced, unbiased review. *$10 USD or equivalent; some international recipients will receive a Virtual Visa card in lieu of an Amazon card. Review must be of a product you...
Knowing your own data can give your company a clear competitive advantage. Yet, according to a survey conducted by Forrester with global IT, data, and line-of-business decision makers, more than half of the respondents admitted they simply don’t know what their AI data needs are. If business...
Dear IBM Storage Community Members, On July 9, IBM Storage announced new solutions and enhancements to the Storage for Data and AI portfolio including the IBM Elastic Storage System 5000, IBM Spectrum Scale, IBM Cloud Object Storage and IBM Spectrum Discover. If you...
IBM Spectrum Scale CSI driver has enabled containerized workloads to use IBM Spectrum Scale as their persistent storage and thus take advantage of its enterprise class features and performance. First released in December 2019, the driver supports dynamic and static provisioning and provides...
Spectrum Scale User Group (SSUG Digital) Spectrum Scale Expert Talk – Best Practices for Building a Stretched Cluster July 13 @ 16:00 - 17:30 BST Talk #2 in the SSUG::Digital series looks at how to build a stretched cluster. What are the best practices? What pitfalls are there? Why would you...
Mon July 13, 2020 | 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM PT